10 hrs agoLiked by Dan Mangan

Love the post and always love the honesty.

Find what feels good. Experiment. Try new things. Look to nature and your inner compass for possibilities (and watch out for the sneaky messages trying to disguise themselves as your inner compass...that's just cultural conditioning). One thing I would add that Thich Nhat Hanh taught me: be mindful of what you consume, not just food, also news, social media, etc.

Last thing. I don't agree that self care is a privilege. I believe it is a right. And everyone deserves this right.

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I feel the pull of the universe exerted itself on us both in this same regard. I came to adopt many (not all and not consistently... you'll take caffeinated coffee from my cold dead hands) of these concepts. Now if the universe would only pull me into the realm of your artistic abilities! Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

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Dan, Dan, Dan!

This is absolutely amazing, you legend. Thank you for continuing to inspire through action.

We at Music Fit endorse this message, wholeheartedly. I’m so happy to see you taking that little spark back a few years ago and turning it into a message you’re confident in sharing with your fans, followers and the world in general.

Health is necessary for sustaining a successful career, heck - nowadays I’d argue it’s necessary for most artists looking to start with the intent of making it a career and you have clearly found what works for you.

That’s the most important part. Second most, these are all things I would say generally work for most people… there’s nothing harmful for anyone in here. (Heck, if you’re eating a loaf of bread everyday, a few rice crackers will be a big step in the right direction.

My summary goes like this, lemme know if I got it right, dude:

Raw, organic naturally grown food, spring water, stop eating after sundown, get plenty of rest, sunlight, do hard things like cold exposure and exercise, eat less fake food and poisons, breathe properly, move more often, move with intent, take time for yourself.

That about sum up what you’ve learned?

Love this dude, I’d love to explore this further with you and help more artists explore what health “lessons” like these can do to the quality of their art and lives.

Keep going, man. You’re a Rockstar. 💫

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